Monday 2 August 2010

London, England – August 2

Today we are on our way home after a wonderful 3 week vacation. Had a bit of time to kill before heading to the airport for our London to Vancouver flight, so we strolled for a bit. We accidentally caught the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. I thought there would be a bit more to it. It was cool to see, but I expected a bit more. The flight to Vancouver was happily uneventful and as I write this we are waiting for the last leg to Calgary. Will be happy to be home of course.

Thanks again for reading and your comments.

Sunday 1 August 2010

London, England – Aug 1

Today we are heading to Chris`company`s office in Guildford, England today for a visit. This has us take the tube, then the train to Guildford for a total of about 45 minutes to Guildford. After our visit and lunch at a pub we are back on the train to London. Once back in London we visit the National Museum and head straight for the Van Goghs. We don't want to spend a whole lot of time here, but do want to hit the works we love. After the museum we stop at a pub and take a quick nap before dinner.