Thursday 26 July 2007

I think I'm a princess (Rudesheim)

OK, I know I'm a princess, so nothing much has changed - I have always been able to feel the pea under my bed, but today there are castles everywhere! It is about 20 degrees and briliantlly sunny. This allows us to pass the morning sailing on the sun deck as we pass at least 20 castles.

A visit to a music museum is planned for the afternoon which we forego. Instead we take a chairlift to the top of a hill and hike up there. The landscape is very much like the mountains at home just on a much smaller scale. The breathtaking views are of the Rhine valley, the town and vineyards. At the other end of the hike is a second chairlift down.

The bottom of the chairlift places us in a new town of Assmanshausen - (big surprise...Chris couldn't get enough of that name.) The walk back to the town of Rudesheim where the boat is is not your ordinary strole through Europe. This is a hike through vineyards. I don't know what you know about vineyards, but they are not planted on flat ground! At one point we found ourselves playing mountain goat. The grade was about 75%! Chris must be more mountain goat than me as he scampered to the top in no time. Thankfully these were well established vines as I hauled myself up by hanging on to them. It is safe to say we won't be coming back home heavier than we left.

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