Sunday 29 July 2007

Wurzburg and Rothenburg

Today is our frst full-day tour. We start off on coaches. We are the last 2 on the bus, and the only seats left are the very last row. This turned out to be the best place to be. We had 5 seats for the 2 of us - lots of room to nap.

We toured a palace in Wurzburg followed by a traditional German lunch of sausages, saurkrout and potatoes. Not my cup of tea, but not bad.

The afternoon was spent in Rothenburg - a small touristy town. First was a walking tour with a guide. Then we shopped a bit and finally settled in to a terrace where we watched the world go by. It was overcast all day and finally rained about half an hour before we got on the bus to go home. We just put up our umbrellas and finished our drinks on the terrace. We picked up a tiny bottle of wine and a couple of street pretzels for the ride home - good thing we had so much room at the back of the bus.

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