Sunday 5 August 2007

Bread by the kilogram, seats on toilets

Certainly many things have stood out for me over the last few weeks Chris and I have spent in Europe. Many of these I've already mentioned and some that I haven't.

One that I haven't was a way we saw bread being sold in Germany - by the kilo! These loaves of bread were huge, at least 30 cm in diameter and very dark. They were sold as cheese would be - in wedges, by weight. I can't remember what the per kilo price was, but very interesting.

Another thing that needs to be mentioned given last year's blog is the WC/toilet situation. I didn't once have to hover due to an absent seat. Maybe this is a central Europe thing I don't know, but last year (especially in Spain) I was surprised if there was a seat!


It's our last day in Europe. A city tour is organized for this morning. We did this tour last year so we decide to sleep in and do our own thing.

There is a market very close to where our ship is docked. The is anything you could imagine here. How about chicken feet? It took me a bit to figure out what these actually were. There was a lot of other meat like offerings that I wasn't ever able to identify.

We spend the rest of the morning window shopping and people watching. Lunch is back on the ship. In the afternoon we visit another market and a synagogue. The synagogue's cemetary has many unmarked graves from the war.


The ship staff got all of us ready for the potential of showing passposts as we got off the boat berfore our tour of Bratislava, but there was no one in the pasasport office. Apparently, the office is often empty - I guess they aren't too concerned.

It is too bad that we arrive so early in the morning - 8:30 - not exactly early, but before any of the shops and cafes are open. We take a walking tour of the city tour and are back on the boat by 11:00.

The rest of the day is spent sailing to Budapest. This is a bit too much sailing today. It wouldn't be too much if it was sun deck weather - the rain is back.

Friday 3 August 2007


Today begins with a city tour by coach under a blazing sun. Sprinkled among the old beautiful buildings are many statues and monuments of old muscians. Maybe someday there'll be one of my brother someplace.

We stop at Belevedere palace - no longer a palace but an art museum. Not huge, but quite a few pieces I recognize. I have to say, I could do without museums that aren't art museums. I could spend all day in an art museum.

During our own time in the city we get some take-away calamari from Nord See. This place seems prolific in Europe - like a European McDonald's. We've seen in a lot of these places on this trip and remember them from previous trips. - I Iove street food! If I wasn't so chicken to talk to people in a foreign language all I'd ever eat would be street food!

We quickly get back to the ship for lunch and off again in the afternoon to tour the Schonbrunn Palace. This is Vienna's version of the Versaille palace. It is smoking hot and quite crowed- needless to say, the palace is not air conditioned. It is even hotter when we tour the garden.

Before we get back on the bus we have a bit more street food. This time it is ice cream, but not an ordinary cone. You pick a flavor and the ice cream guy puts a tubular thing of the ice cream substance in a contraption with a handle that he then pulls down like a slot maching. This turns the 'stuff' in the tub into a soft-serve ice cream type substance. Not exactly fresh with no preservatives, but tasty and entertaining.

Thursday 2 August 2007

Pretzels in Melk

The morning is spent sailing, so we sleep in. The mid-morning pretzel, beer and sausage performance allows us to skip breakfast. I had to pass on the white sasuage - too white. Not appetizing at all! I did have a taste, but not an entire one. Chris didn't mind them and I'm pretty sure my dad would have been in heaven!

It is finally sun deck weather which is where we have lunch and sail to our next destination - Melk.

Melk's claim to fame is a working monistary which we tour in the afternoon. Then we spend a while in this very small town on a terrace with a glass of wine and buy a bit of Austrian chocolate.

Anchors aweigh - 4:00 we set sail again - the weather is perfect for the sun deck and a Margareta before dinner.

Wednesday 1 August 2007


The weather seems to be a bit better today - not windy at least. We are at the confluence of the Danube, Ilz and Inn rivers. This puts a lot of boats in a tiny town.

As today's entry suggests (Chris' spelling) our morning walking tour finishes at (what else??) a cathedral containing Europe's largest pipe organ - 17 774 pipes. We listen to a fabulous organ concert - loud, bombastic (you could feel the low notes) and we are actually familiar with the pieces.

We are back on board for lunch and sail through the afternoon.

In the evening we dock in Linz, and head out for dinner. Although the town seems quite big there isn't all that much action. We settle on a traditional Austrian dinner of calamari and Greek meatballs!