Wednesday 27 September 2023

September 27 – vacation prep

Bags are packed, lamp timer is set, plants are watered, fridge is emptied, and we’re checked in. In less than 24 hours we should be boarding a plane to Los Angeles for the next 2 weeks.

This only time I’ve ever spent in LA was a weekend trip to Disneyland about 30 years ago!! Of course, part of this trip is a 7-day California coast cruise bookended by 3 days at the beginning and end in LA – I’m not sure how we’d actually cope with a vacation NOT including a cruise. The weather forecast looks perfect for travelling – highs from 27º in LA to 19º in San Francisco, lows should be around 13º, at this point there is only one day of rain forecasted. Not quite beach or pool weather, but perfect for wandering, touring, and having a few meals al fresco.

From the moment we returned from our last trip I’ve been determined to travel light. This trip involves no checked bags despite the need for ‘cruise clothes’ and 2 whole weeks away! Unlike the last cruise we were on in the summer, we don’t have endless, included laundry. Nonetheless, we’ve already ‘bought’ 2 bags of ship laundry. One backpack and a wheely bag each is all we’re taking…should be no reason to return to the house for the forgotten bag…should there?? We can count to 2, can’t we?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds good. No need for added stress. Mom