Saturday 19 July 2008

Dubrovnik, Croatia - July 18

Our time to relax continues…After another breakfast we figure we are tuckered out and should take it easy with a nap! At around 2 we figure that as we haven’t eaten since breakfast that we should head out for lunch. We find a pasta spot on one of the old city’s many skinny streets. Most of these streets spill off of the square’s main street and end with or are broken up by steep stairs – the photo is of Chris at lunch with one of the many sets of stairs behind him. All the way up these stairs seem to be apartments, some of them I assume are for tourists based on the people coming and going from them – I’d love to take a look inside one of them!

After lunch we spend a bit more time at the water. Today the water is quite rough as you can see from the photo of me sitting on the edge of the wall with my legs in. The level of the water has varied a lot from one day to the next. The water was like this on the first day and then no where near the edge on a couple of other days. I much prefer this. I could sit there all day with my legs over the edge while the sea cools me – sometimes soaks me as you can tell from the photo. Depending on how high the water comes, it ranges from not reaching the top at all to washing right over the edge of the wall.

We have been invited to a BBQ tonight by Brian and Dijana who are getting married on Saturday. They have rented a house not far out of the old town, so that is very continent for us. Although eating in restaurants is great, we miss eating home cooking and hanging out in a home. The food was great…something like elongated meatballs called cevapcici (I think), tomato and cucumber salad with a very mild almost sweet vinegar and a red pepper/eggplant dip just to name a few things were absolutely delicious! I could eat like that all the time. It was great to sit around with a group of people like a house party. Originally we had directions and a map and were planning to make our way to the house on our own. We ended up meeting Brian and Dijana along with Dave from Chris’ work in the old town and headed up together. Thank God we did! Once we got there we realized that we would never have found the place on our own – even with the help of the yellow bags placed along the route to direct us. The walk home was no problem…getting out of there was a whole lot easier than getting there.

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