Sunday 2 August 2009

Split, Croatia – August 1

Split`s archaeological museum began today`s tour. It seems as though every stop we make or have made in this part of the world has an archaeological museum which makes me realize just old this part of the world is.

Next we toured Split and its old palace on foot with our guide. Lastly we stopped at a taverna for a `typical Croatian snack` of cheese (like gouda), meat (like prosciutto), bread, olives and an apple struddle-like dessert. This was all accompanied by wine from the region.

It is very noticeable that Split attracts a lot of young travelers; much more than any of our other stops – there are 18-25 year olds EVERYWHERE. This place is also VERY crowded.

It is also very hot. This trip has been incredibly hot. Not that you expect southern Europe to be cool in the summer, but when locals telling you it is hot – its hot! It’s more the absence of any breeze at all that really sucks the life out of you. Before we head back to the ship we do our best to spend what remains of our Croatian money at a cafe. Some of the cafes we have seen in our travels this year have the misters that cool the air, but Split doesn’t seem to have these so beer (other side from there we took the 2 pics) will have to do the job of cooling us on its own.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well you guys look very happy in Split from your picture hehe. Glad you're having fun.