Thursday 22 July 2010

Riga, Latvia – July 22

Before I describe the day's events I should disclose that last night was a loosing one at the casino. Not because of me of course...I filled the holiday coffers a couple of nights before, but 'team Squanceski' came home a bit lighter.
Latvia is definitely a pit-stop on the way to St. Petersburg. Seems like a place you would stop for a bathroom break and to gas up on the way to someplace else. Kind of interesting, but certainly a place that could be missed. Riga’s claim to fame is its art-nouveau architecture. This is actually quite interesting. We’ve never seen a city with architecture like this.
I will say however, that I'm glad when we stop in places like these. It reminds me a bit of when we stopped in Belgrade and Serbia. These are places whose people have experienced war and other atrocities in my lifetime. That is what I always find impactful - terrible things in my lifetime. It is easier to wrap my head around horrible things that happened 'before I was born'. I find it breathtaking to visit places where people I actually know, who are actually 'my age' have experienced the war there in my lifetime.

Today’s tour is a bus tour followed by a walking tour. Riga has some interesting spots making for a few choice photo-ops, but could have been missed. Half way through the tour there is ‘time for shopping or a coffee’ - we make it a ‘time for a beer’. Here prices are better than earlier in the trip, we pay about 13.00 for 2 beers, although we find that a block away from where we stopped would have been a lot less than that.

Of course the beer is followed by my first public restroom experience for this trip and I'm pleasantly surprised. These are coin operated (although I find one that doesn’t actually require a coin – 75 cents.) I’m not sure what I expected from the WC, because in retrospect it wasn’t great – a stainless steel bowl that didn’t flush, no water to wash my hands and no paper, luckily I have learned from experience to always take paper with me! However…I am relieved at the end and able to carry on with the tour. It is amazing how important being able to access a WC really can be.

We forego lunch in town for lunch on the boat followed by a few pool-side cocktails, a nap and pre-dinner reading on the balcony.

Food on the ship is excellent, but it reached new heights with its cheese souffle - WOW. I have actually made a cheese souffle before, but obviously missed the mark. This is beyond delicious! It is cheesy, light, slightly sweet and at the same time salty. I was terribly disappointed today when it was not on offer at the lunch buffet. I suspect I could have asked for some, but didn't. I will certainly in the future!


Anonymous said...

Love reading your blog everyday. Pictures are excellent. You are doing a great job.

Anonymous said...

Whoa... Wait a minute! Is Chris wearing the same shirt in every photo?