Wednesday 6 April 2011

Bangkok Day 1 - April 6

So….what happened to Tuesday? After a long, long day of travelling we have finally arrived in Bangkok and have left Tuesday somewhere over the Pacific Ocean.

flowers given to us at hotel

Our flight to Hong Kong from Vancouver to Bangkok was a 13 hour flight that left at 3 am. Needless to say, by the time we got on the flight to Hong Kong we were dead tired. We had business class seats which were lovely. The plane was ready for a refurbishment which Cathay Pacific tells you over and over - everywhere are promos for their ‘new business’ class planes. We were not in this ‘new business’, but let me tell you it was just fine. We got a fair amount of sleep, but were still wiped by the time we reached Bangkok.
We had arranged for a car to take us to our hotel. That always seems like the best way to go. The cost is about the same as a taxi (here in Bangkok), the price is fixed and there is no waiting in a line at the airport for a taxi. 

breakfast dumplings
The hotel is way OVER THE TOP for service. From the moment we arrived we were walked somewhere (to our room), shown something (you name it) or given something (welcome drinks, welcome flowers, birthday gift although it is neither of our birthdays) – WOW. Having really no idea what time our bodies think it is we take a bit of a nap before heading to the hotel’s included cocktail and hors d'œuvre hour. We don’t even bother with dinner at that point. Regardless of what the clock tells us, with a bit of food and a couple of drinks we are again ready for bed. By the way…it is humid and about 30 degrees.
view from hotel balcony

My goal this trip is to stop being such a baby and talk to people about their food. I love the idea of local street/fast food (my stomach may not after a while,) but I am typically too much of a baby to ask the seller. This trip no more of that!!! Not too much opportunity to ask for street/fast food today except that at the Cathay Pacific lounge in the Hong Kong airport there are a few people making dumplings. I have no idea what is in these, but eat a couple for breakfast. There really isn’t much talking necessary just a lot of pointing. Also in the department of new food experiences is dim sum on the plane. While I have had dim sum, I have never been offered it in the air nor have I had anything that looked like this.


Unknown said...

Sounds like you are in the vacation mode and open to many new experiences.

Melina said...

Love the flowers and that you are being pampered!