Friday 27 July 2012

Ashdod, Israel - July 27

Today we are taking a ‘sea day’ on land.  We have learned from experience that we are NOT interested in 2 12 hour days back to back, so planned before we even got on the ship to take today off from touring.  We actually spoke to a 75 year old man who has a new hip and 3 knee operations who is planning on 4 12 hour days!  WOW!  No thanks – for us it ends up feeling more like work and less like vacation.  The heat doesn’t help either.
 It is nice to feel like we have the ship to ourselves.  Most people are on tour so the pool is quiet, the restaurant is quiet, the laundry room is quiet.

The one thing worthy of comment is a bit of food.  I decided to try sweetbreads as part of my dinner.  I had never tried it before, so thought ‘why not’?  I can’t say I loved it, but it wasn’t terrible.  Good thing they didn’t call it offal…don’t think people should eat something called ‘offal’.

Last night Chris decided to become political. He noticed a wrong on the ship that he felt compelled to right.  The ‘beverage’ package ($50 a day per person) that we have opted for includes pretty much any drink they offer.  The have a $20 champagne that I have gotten my money’s worth out of and then some that is included and even a few $25 ports/brandies.  However…Guinness is not included in the package - it goes for $6.  There are plenty of other beers on the list some even for $7, but not Guinness.  This to him is an outrage – I understand.  The first time he discovers this injustice the bartender gives it to him anyway.  The next he happens to be talking about it to our favourite bartender when the beverage manager happens to walk by.  He hears our discussion, picks up the phone and viola…Guinness included in the beverage package.  The next bar we find our selves at is already aware of the change.  As can be imagined…he is quite pleased with himself. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow maybe in Ireland at the Guiness factory in the tasting room on the roof they have erected his photo as a champion of the cause..... Makes sense now the question is he humble?. Or how many times does he tell the story.... His Norma Rae moment.....
