Tuesday 5 August 2014

Limassol, Cyprus - August 5, 2014

Well...we've had our fill, we are ourselves in ruins - OK, so maybe that's a bit dramatic. We are just fine, but we have seen just about enough ruins for a while. We've decided one more day is not necessary. I realize this makes us pretty lucky people.

Our original plan is to sleep in and take the shuttle into town late morning, poke around a bit, maybe have lunch and a beer. After a couple of champagnes at the pool, we decide it’s a good idea to stay at the pool for the day.

this is as close as we got to Limassol
crab eating tools
It was a good choice...a perfect relaxing day. It is a delight to be on the boat when most people are not. Not that I don’t want to be around people J, but sometimes I need some space - the laundry was open, the pool had more chairs than I could want, the bar tender begged to pour me a champagne, I think I did the person at the coffee bar a favour by asking for a coffee. Ok, so maybe the bar tender and coffee person did me favours! The point is…we had plenty of luxurious space.

Dinner tonight was at the ship’s steak house – Chris had crab. Although they come split, he has to do a bit of shelling.

After dinner we watched a one-man show by a guy who sang, told jokes and stores and played the guitar. Sounds a bit cheesy, but it was pretty good!

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