Thursday 18 February 2016

At sea - February 18

13 degrees, on and off clouds all day

I think the heat and humidity is officially over. From looking at forecasts and weather averages I expected Manilla to be the end of the hot weather... I was right. The weather change has not been gradual…one day it was hot and humid and the next it was cool and rainy. I’m don’t necessarily think rain is expected to last, but cool temperatures are.

One thing I didn’t mention about Taiwan is the prevalence of 7-11s. Apparently, in Taiwan 7-11s are more than places to get a Slurpee. At Taiwanese 7-11s you can pay taxes, pay bills, buy plane, train and concert tickets, you can also pick up packages and hail taxis, they have more than just hoagies…there are full-on eat in restaurants there. Very interesting.

Today, as has been the case for other sea days, was very low-key. We slept late, spent only a bit of time on the balcony as it was a bit brisk, ate, watched a movie and essentially did very little.

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

The 7-11's there seem comparable to what the local bar would do in a small rural Saskatchewan town! ;)