Tuesday 9 February 2016

Muara, Brunei – February 8

32 degrees, humidity is coming back

The boat isn’t scheduled to arrive in Brunei today until about 10 am, so we aren’t leaving the hotel until about 10:30. This is a nice surprise as it means a little sleep in.  

Once we get to the ship we are able to catch the last 10 minutes of the Super Bowl that is being shown in the ship’s theatre. The theatre is done up with balloons, NFL signs, stadium foods and beer. I think the game started here around 7:30 am – I don’t think I would have had a hotdog and beer for breakfast.

We are scheduled to have a tour this afternoon, but I just am not up for it. I’m just about toured out after the last 3 days. Chris is up for it – he has a lot more off-the-boat stamina than I have, but not me. We both stay back, have a nice long lunch (with wine I might add) and relax for the rest of the day.

It sounds like we got lucky being off of the boat for the last 3 days. When we get back on the boat we hear stories of 12-16 foot swells in the sea, of stacks of plates crashing, ocean water making it onto the pool deck which is 11 floors up on the boat and people setting sick. It is obvious that something happened as while we were away as all of the stuff we have on shelves in the room and bathroom are in different places from where we left them. 

Missing a major port like Saigon not only throws a wrench into travel plans, it means the boat misses restocking supplies. We can tell this at lunch when some of the usual staples are missing, when there is no sparkling water and when the wine I particularly like that ran out before Saigon is still not available. They also have run out of bell peppers. Chris has a standing order for bell peppers for his pre-dinner snack in our room – guess not until we get to Manilla on the 13th. For us these are hardly big problems, I think they are a major headache for the staff here who constantly have to tell people they are out of something.

This storm has significantly changed the cruise schedule. The ship missed Vietnam all together (luckily we saw it), is 2 days in Brunei when it was supposed to be one, the next port in Malaysia is being given a pass and we now have 2 instead of 1 day in Manilla. None of this is upsetting to us…we’ve been through this schedule change at the last minute due to nothing we can control. To me an extra sea day is not the worst thing in the world.

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