Sunday 13 March 2016

Tokyo, Japan - March 11

Tokyo, Japan – March 11

5 degrees, overcast, rain/snow

Today we say Sayonara to Japan and all of Asia. This vacation has been mind-blowing to say the least. We have been gone for what seems like and is a very long time. I have nothing but wonderful memories. I saw some of the world’s most under developed and poverty stricken communities to some of the world’s highly developed and wealthy.

I have no favourite part. Things we did and saw and
airport soba
experienced were so totally different from each other. One thing that surprised me was how easy it would be for us to travel in some of these places without an organised tour and how difficult it would be to get to others. I’d be happy to visit many of the places we just tasted for longer someday.

I’m happy to be going home. It’s just a 9.5 hour DIRECT flight From Tokyo to Calgary. I say just because Asia seems so far from North America to me – not anymore. We are scheduled to arrive in Calgary before we leave Japan, I guess that’s where the lost day went when we came here so many weeks ago.

I did a bit of last minute shopping in the airport...10 different flavours of KitKats!!

Thanks so much for those of you who read this blog. It’s a lot of fun for me to write, but more to know someone else is reading.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Look at those KitKats yahoo...were they tasty? It really looked like an amazing adventure...thanks for sharing.