Tuesday 16 August 2016

August 16 – at sea along the coast of Spain en route to Lisbon, Portugal

edamame appetizer and cool sake decanter

20ish degrees
Today being cool and at sea, meant we did very little…the weather impacted our activity level somewhat, in that on a warm/hot sea day we would have hung out by the pool which we didn’t do today. The ship has plenty of activities on the go if we wanted, but we don’t want…so it was nap…eat…nap…read…repeat! Very relaxing.

This ship has an area on the top deck where part of the glass roof can retract where we spent some time today. The roof was closed today and it warmed up quite a bit in there – it still feels like we are outside, but aren’t in the wind.

Oh, and we gained an hour of sleep last night, moving time zones…fantastic!

3 kinds of crème brulé
Dinner tonight was at one of the ship’s theme restaurants – the Asian one. A week ago we ate at the Italian one. There were some very cool elements tonight. One – sake, that came in a glass ball, type decanter that had a separate spot in the middle for crushed ice so the sake would stay cold, but not diluted and 2 – 3 flavours of crème brulé for dessert that came in won ton soup spoons.

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