Monday 22 August 2016

August 21 – London, UK – Calgary, Canada!!

London was approaching warm when Chris and I went out around 11:30 for one last pint and a bite to eat before we headed to the airport. Our pick up and drive to the airport was seamless – we once again pre-booked a car to take us, which worked out great. We were able to return the wireless internet device we rented for this trip…that thing was pretty fantastic – it wasn’t great on the boat, but otherwise was perfect. We were at the airport very early, so we found a quiet spot in the BA business lounge, had a drink and something to eat, a shower and relaxed.

This has been a wonderful vacation. We’ve seen so many wonderful things that I can’t even remember most of them – it’ll take me a few days back to take a moment and reread this blog. As usual I’m happy to be going home even if that means this time next week I’ll be packing a lunch for work! I am so thankful to everyone who read this blog. This is the 10th year of the blog…some people say I should change the name…I like it…it’s retro! This is the 363rd blog entry! The first few vacations I did it there are no pictures, because I did it on Chris’ first Blackberry…entirely with my THUMBS and a few have had the photos disappear, but it’s one of my favourite things about vacation. 


Leona said...

Another great job. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home............. cant wait to practice happy hour ballet. :)

Heather said...

Thanks for sharing your journey it sounded and looked like a great time! I say keep the name I love it :-)

Dianetha said...

Wow Lisa, amazing travels, adventures and experiences!! I'm looking forward to seeing you and Chris again sometime soon and hear first hand what your favourite bites and places were :).
Thank you for sharing your pics and thoughts!!