Wednesday 16 August 2017

August 14 - Edinburgh, UK

up the hills and down the hills
17 degrees, lots of rain when we woke up, cloudy all day, poured on our way home around 1:00

This is our last full day in Edinburgh and on vacation for that matter. We try to wait out the morning rain and it works. We shop for a few last minute things, wander about (there is always something to see by chance), have lunch and head back to the room. We have to be on the go early this evening. Of course there was more of up the hills and down the hills, up the stairs and down the stairs. The main areas/streets are still packed like they were last week…I wonder what Edinburgh is like when the Festival isn’t on??

The first thing for us to do this evening is a Scotch and cheese tasting – fun! It was in a Scotch shop, in a tiny area with about 25 of us around a table. This lasted for about an hour.

Next was a guitar recital in an old church. 3 guys playing guitar, alone and together. This was very different from what we’ve been doing for Fringe shows.

We got a bite and a drink after the guitar show and before our third time seeing Craig Ferguson and last show of the Fringe. Every night we’ve seen him has been different as he
has different guests. This show is packed.

The food we got before the show included haggis! Not a full-on haggis, neeps and tatties – but ‘haggis bites’. I was very impressed. Too bad I left it this long or I’d definitely have given the full-on a try.

On the way back to bed, we got a little snack from one of the food stalls in the bar’s courtyard attached
to out hotel. This is hughly convenient each night – not so sure how healthy it is to eat potato wedges smothered in cheese and bacon right before bed…delicious
courtyard outside our hotel

how could we pass this up??

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