Sunday 29 July 2018

Sevilla, Spain - July 29

on the way to the museum
33 degrees, blazing sun

The temperature indicates that it is HOT, which it is/was, but it wasn’t at all unbearable. Although anything above 25 is way too hot for me, I don’t find these temperatures oppressive. Things aren’t at all humid here, and once the sun goes down (around 9:15) things cool significantly. In the tiny courtyard outside our hotel room it is quite cool in the morning for a bit of a sit out. Also, during lunch we sat outside under awnings with misters (I’m pretty sure misters are
on the way to the museum
some of my favourite inventions in the complete and entire world) and it I wasn’t one bit hot.

We visited Sevilla’s Museo de Bellas Artes, or fine arts museum today. This museum has arts from about the renaissance through to about the beginning of the last
this place is huge
century, and all of it Spanish. Admission was 1.50! That is pretty incredible. There were very few English descriptions and no audio guides, so we didn’t read much, but it was enjoyable nonetheless – and quicker I suppose. Often the buildings that house these kinds of museums are former palaces, or fancy houses and today was no different. This building
mostly religious art
was a former convent – beautiful. This museum was about a 20 minute walk in a direction we hadn’t been before which was a nice reason to venture into an unknown area.

We chose to visit this museum today as Sunday is where there
mostly religious art
is an artists’ market outside. It was interesting to stroll through the park outside the museum checking out the art for sale – we didn’t buy.

After a bit of grocery shopping, we had lunch of tapas and wine. We definitely don’t over eat here. I think we should be ordering more…we sat next to a group of women today who ordered a ton of food…good for them, we need to learn. We had manchego cheese, squid (of course) potato omelet (of course) and a meat stuffed pepper – all good, each dish was about 3.00
and accompanied by bread. The first time we ordered food here we wondered before the bill came if we had to pay for bread – no, this time yes - 1.00. All of this of course was washed down with wine - 12.00.

One thing I’ve noticed here in Seville is how many flys there are. It’s kind of incredible, not even when we’re necessarily eating which I when we’d expect them, but all over the place.
si, por favor

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Looks awesome.
The worlds greatest invention is a mister. I have one for my backyard, that’s how I get my tan.