Monday 6 August 2018

Day at Sea, Crown Princess – August 5

our cabin on the boat
27 degrees, hazy

Sea days are my favourite days aboard a cruise ship – forced nothingness…glorious. As every cruise we’ve ever been on has said, you can do as much or as little as you like and that’s precisely right. I choose to do as little. We were out quite late at the casino last night, so we didn’t get up until after 8:30…fine with me. BTW…the casino was good to both of us…we’re up.
drink service

We had breakfast in the Italian restaurant which is supposed to be a perk of our room category, it was calm and quiet, which was nice, but it would be nice to be able to get some healthy breakfast options at a buffet. We ended up having eggs benedict and a mimosa…delicious, but a fruit or veg and some fibre is always nice.

always searching for wildlife
The rest of the morning and early
champagne waterfall
afternoon was spent lounging on our
balcony…glorious. I took a nap in what is by far, hands down the most comfortable bed I have EVER slept in! I’ve slept in some pretty comfy hotel beds, but
this takes the cake. It is soft and cushy, and the pillows are perfect and the duvet is fluffy and just the right amount of heavy. The only down side to being able to take full advantage of how awesome the bed really is, is the temperature of the room. It is just a bit too warm for me. BTW…the back of the boat is as awesome as I remember it.

The most exciting thing of the day happened by chance…we saw dolphins and a turtle! Dolphins always announce themselves a bit with the splash they make, but the turtle was just floating along and we happened to spot it. I think it must have been pretty big for us to see it as far up on the boat as we were – super exciting. Spotting wildlife is BY FAR the most exciting thing that can happen to me on a cruise (even more exciting than our hanging at the pool on a cruise in India with Alan Thicke, and that was pretty exciting!

This evening was the much-anticipated champagne waterfall…my first instinct was to stay as far away as possible, expecting a huge crowd and a huge crowd is the last thing I’m interested in, but we went anyway. The crowd was huge, but it was fun.

This evening was the much-anticipated champagne waterfall…my first instinct was to stay as far away as possible, expecting a huge crowd and a huge crowd is the last thing I’m interested in, but we went anyway. The crowd was huge, but it was fun. We watched for about 5 seconds, got a glass of champagne and then split.

Dinner tonight was at the main dining room. After dinner we went to a star gazing seminar and then some dancing at the disco. We have to start going to bed earlier!!


Diana said...

Wow that sounds like a super fun day. I think cruising is one of the best ways to vacation

Lori said...

Love the dress and the SHOES!

Sheryl Barrette said...

I agree with your dress! I'm just catching up on your blog...I've been at the lake without internet!!!