Tuesday 30 July 2019

Marseille, France – July 30

Clear sky, 26 degrees, not too humid

Today’s excursion took us to a small town outside Marseilles called Cassis. Before we left the city, we drove by some of Marseilles major sites. Although we didn’t get off of the bus this drive-by tour let us see some of the sites from the comfort of the bus.
first day...first tour!

Once we arrived at Cassis, we boarded a small tourist train that took us to the heart of the old town. We wandered, looked in shops, admired the huge meringues and stared at the sea. Although it wasn’t yet noon, we had to try the local rosé wine, which was as expected delicious. In fact, the place we found to have our glass wasn’t yet open, but a few people including us were having a coffee or wine. I tried my best to talk to the woman who worked there in French and mostly succeeded, but she of course took
a votre sante!
pity on my terrible attempt at French, was very kind and spoke to me in English. I was just proud of myself for at least getting some of my message across in French.

Before heading back I had to try their lavender ice cream. Our guide described it as an acquired taste. It was exactly as I expected…floral and perfumery…I don’t think I’d have it again, but it was good. Again, I did my best to buy this using French and I think this time I did pretty well.
a votre sante

Lunch as back on the boat, followed by a couple of pool bar beers, a nap and dinner. The captain warned us that the seas would be a bit rough, and by the time I was going to be they sure were.

lavender ice cream


Rose said...

Nous avons tous été agréablement surpris de voir de quelle point ça c’est bien passé. Je suis contente que tes parents ne soient pas malade. ( little of my French) Hope the seas stay calm for the duration of your trip! Haven’t been to Marseilles or immediate area. Every place has its own beauty.
We cruised Waterton Lake today, lol! Haven’t been here in decades, at nine pm, they roll up the streets. Not even remotely Mediterranean! No comparison to Banff either. Ciao!

lisa said...

Wow Rose...tres bien!! You are right...every place does have its own beauty, and not just visual...those you are with, new and old add to the beauty. Yup, we are all glad no one is sick...a few motions of the ocean, but nothing too much.