Sunday 28 July 2019

Nice, France / Monte Carlo, Monaco – July 28

Blazing sun and 26 degrees and 56% humidity - much nice to be outside.

Nice is only a half hour drive to Monte Carlo, so travelling on this ‘travel day’ isn’t too taxing. No matter how far you are going, you still have to pack all of your stuff and be out of the hotel and into a new one. This is the #1 reason we like travelling via cruise ship – unpack once at the beginning and pack again once at the end.

After breakfast in the hotel, a bit of shopping we were back to the old town to get a socca. Socca is a local street snack like a fried crepe made from chic pea flour, olive oil and pepper - 3, for one serving…quite tasty.

Monte Carlo Casino
We checked out of the hotel at noon, got an Uber. We waiting before booking the Uber for a while for the price to drop. We checked the price this morning, but when we wanted to leave it was up quite a bit. After waiting a bit we were on the go. 30 min later in pretty heavy traffic we were at the Fairmont Monte Carlo. It hasn’t changed a bit since we were here last. Lots of posh looking people and many posh cars.  
Of course our room is not ready, so we hang out in the lobby for a while. A glass of wine would be glorious right about now, but for 22.00 Canadian…we decided to pass – it wasn’t exactly a great atmosphere.
Casino ceiling

We finally got our room, went for a quick bite, and napped until my parents arrived. They made great time and were here way before we expected. The
first thing the 4 of us did was visit THE Monte Carlo Casino – the Casino
Royale Casino. Outside the casino is a bustling place with the richest of the rich. Driving there or being driven there in the most expensive cars – it is a sight to behold. We went into the lobby, but no further. There is a cost to get in and we weren’t that interested.  Next was a bit of food and a drink and then called it a night.


Rose said...

Great pics, hobnobbing with the rich and famous...don’t recall paying to get in and view.
Now who’s that impressive “old couple”?!? 🥂Cheers!

Unknown said...

Thanks for this. Great to see the old bugger having so much fun. Keep the pics coming.
