Sunday 26 January 2020

Cruising The Pacific Ocean en route to Honolulu, Hawaii - January 26

Clear, 16 degrees

Day 2 of the crossing to Hawaii and stir craziness hasn’t set in. The internet continues to be just fine, and we gained yet another hour last night. It was a good day!

The gained hour helped us be up ‘early’, the gym was busy, so we took our exercising to the to deck. It was cool and windy, but sunny and lovely. The ship continued to sway and tilt (not official sailor terms!) so the walking was interesting. Sometimes it felt as though we were walking up hill, then it felt as if we were walking down.

We were losers again today at BINGO, but again it was fun and meditative. Next was lunch, nap, blogging – see a pattern??

After dinner we hit the casino for a bit of 3-card poker…this was only my second visit to the casino and this time I actually won a bit – winning is so much better than losing!

The day ended with a bit of Name That Tune actually it was called Name That Song, presumably because of some kind of trademark. This was fun…the ship’s resident lounge pianist plays a bit of each song rather than recordings of the songs. In the end, everyone who won got ‘Regent Rewards’. These are points you collect for participating in ship’s activities. I got an extra point for because the pianist liked my dress! I guess that makes up for wearing that EXACT SAME DRESS to a wedding a month ago! It is a very nice dress, but who wants to show up in the same dress as someone else??

The day was so uneventful, that I didn’t take one photo!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Sounds like a perfect day!