Thursday 5 January 2023

Cruising the Bahamian Waters – January 5

Splish, Splash...

Weather…25 degrees, sunny with wispy clouds, just the right amount of breeze for a day at sea to battle the pool deck humidity

Hopefully, there won’t be much to report for the next 3 days. We are prepared for things to go sideways on our return trip home but are hoping for the best. At least we won’t have nearly the distance to cover that we did getting to Rio, 3 weeks ago.

A highlight of every cruise we are on with Regent is the Krew Kapers. This is when the non-performing crew of the ship showcase their talents (mostly musical and dancing.) There was the always popular “Splish Splash I Was Taking a

the whole bunch, and then some

Bath”, the YMCA to end the show and a variety of other amazing acts.!!! Before the show starts, we know it’ll be great. It’s was the best show of the voyage by far. Since Rio, we’ve seen singers, pianists, magicians, acrobats, but it's the CREW that provide the very BEST show. These people are cooks, room attendants, plumbers who fixed my toilet (remember that time), tender operators etc.

The show was as expected…fantastic. It always makes me a bit teary… these

why not?

workers bust their asses for me to have a vacation. All the while being far from home, not having seen their families often including their children for months. On top of doing their ‘day jobs’ they can also sing and/or dance and take time to rehearse for this show.

After the show we ‘chased’ the music…meaning we went to one lounge where the piano player was, then when he finished to another where the duo were playing. This was followed by dinner, Chris to the casino, me to the ‘headliner’ and that was that. 

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