Tuesday 30 May 2023

Seattle - May 30

Weather - definitely cool in the morning,
Cheese making!

makes me question my packing choices, the weather forecast said highs of 19-22 degrees, so I didn’t think I’d wish for my toque and gloves! When we set out yesterday around 10 it was downright chilly. All days seem to be foggy and overcast until about 1PM, when the sun appears, the socked-in-ness disappears, and it warms up significantly, still cooler than I anticipated. Today’s high was 19.

Fish market 
For me, a vacation requires at least one lazy
Fish prices

morning every few days and this morning was lazy-ish. I spent about 20 min in the gym. I planned on being there for an hour or so, but the gym here is tiny and the 3 people already in the weights area made it crowded. I used a treadmill for a while hoping things would empty, but nope…I abandoned. 


A late morning breakfast, followed by some reading before heading out for today’s Taste of Seattle tour. A group of 12 of us plus a chef/guide wandered around Pike’s Place Market for a couple of hours stopping 9 times to taste and hear stories. We sampled cheese and Mac and cheese, Filipino spring roll, rock fish, clam chowder, candied salmon, pizza ($38 for a smallish whole pie!), chocolates, truffle pesto, and tacos. Each was small, but at the end of the tour we felt relatively full. We also bought a frozen sangria which we were welcome to walk around with. According to our guide, we have Covid to thank for being

able to buy booze to go.

We also saw Seattle’s famous fish throwing fish market. The price for Chinook salmon was $35/lb! Chris brought back a ton of this when he went fishing a couple of years back!

So happy!!

The tour ended just in time for a happy hour refreshment and then back to the hotel for a nap.

Dinner was back across the street at Purple for their Tuesday night special…”pasta and wine for 2” this plus a salad and dessert was $75…not terrible.

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