Tuesday 30 May 2006

All aboard...the ship that is

Our last day in Bucharest comes as I'm just getting used to the place. We take a city tour which is interesting, but nothing to actually mention other than the beer festival (that we only hear about as we are leaving) and a visit to the Peoples' Palace.

The Peoples' Palace is the 2nd largest building in the world next to the Pentagon. It is now used as the parliament of Romania. Construction was started during the communist times and is still not finished. There are 1000 rooms of which we saw about 10. It wasn't overly beautiful or even full of history but the sheer size of it was breathtaking. A pair of curtains weighed in at a tonne and a chandelier at 4.

I realize I know very little about the Eastern Orthadox religion which most of Romanians belong to. We visit a church where a service is taking place. Appartently their services are 4 hours long and there are no pews at all and the participants stand for the services. I still have trouble getting my head around this.

We finally arrive at the boat and settle in. This boat is the nicest one we've been on.

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