Wednesday 31 May 2006

The Black Sea

Sleeping in has come to an abrupt end. Tours on the river boat will be mostly full days so we will be up early. The night life isn't exactly hopping, so I can't see this as a problem.

Although visiting a church seems to be a daily event for us in Europe, the Eastern Orthedox churches are a lot different from Catholic than I thought. These churches have no pews and it is impossible to find any inch of the walls unpainted with frescos. These churches have no windows so are very dark.

After visiting a church we lunch on more goulash and spend time on a Black Sea beach. It isn't too warm today, so we don't stay too long, but they say and it is obvious that this water is much less salty than the Mediteranian.

We spend a bit of time at a shopping area but all we pick up are a few snacks - more than anything to get rid of our last bit of Romanian money.

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