Tuesday 9 May 2006

New York City

Just as we remember it, the city is busy, crazy and fast!

We had a fabulous meal the first night we arrived at an Italian place near Times Square. I have never seen so many staff in my entire life and so much food - holy crap! This place is near our hotel - which BTW is quite fabulous itself. It is right in Times Square and has the most comfortable bed I have ever slept in!

We saw 3 shows, a Mets' game, visited the top of Rockefeller Center for a view of the city, rode the subway, did a bit of shopping, had some great meals, ate street food, went to a museum, checked out Central Park, saw the Food Network and walked a lot.

We are currently at the Newark airport waiting for an overnight flight (my favorite!) to Lisbon where we will begin the next leg of this vacation.

Until the next installment...

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