Wednesday 10 May 2006


Arrived in Lisbon after an over night flight. We were lucky enough to have the seats in front of the emergency seats which meant we would not be reclining at all for an entire 7 hour flight!

Once we landed and got in a cab things were great. Weather was great, Lisbon is a typical European city, with the outdoor cafes we love.

We decide on lunch at one of a million cafes in the main tourist area. I get 2 small fish (which is the half order) that come whole - and by whole I mean 'whole' - guts, organs and all! It was delicious once I got over the guts and organs.

We are able to board the ship at 4:00 - and are beat! I actually fall asleep for about 10 minutes on a bench before checking in. All is well as we head for dinner, see the sails set and at long last get to bed.

Until the next installment...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a typical getting there scenario. You can relax now. We are off to the cabin tomorrow(Fri.). We visited everyone in Saskatchewan and returned Tues. Everyone is well and happy. Keep us posted.
Mom and Dad