Monday 22 May 2006

Nice 2 times

Day 2
We must have had a full day yesterday considering the time we got up. We missed church by a mile.

Nice has a doubledecker tourist bus that tours around the city with commentary. We get on and hope to get off and visit the Fine Arts Museum. The headphones which are supposed to be how you listen to the info in your language are crap...we end up playing musical chairs until we finally find jacks that work. The bus screams past the stop for the museum so we get off at the next stop which is pretty much at our hotel. We decide to walk to the museum. The museum ends up being free today and is relatively small as well as pretty much deserted which is a breath of fresh air compared to other museums we have visited..

We get ourselves a pizza as usual (we are going to try to eat at least one pizza each day) and head to another museum. By the time we reach the Chagall museum there are only 50 minutes before it closes. The museum is small so even 30 minutes is fine.

I was beat after a long hard day so a 3 hour nap was in order. When I woke up the Eurovision finale was on. The is a music competition for all of Europe we have been seeing in the European news for the past couple of days as they were worried that the winner was going to be a metal band from Finland dressed as monsters. Their song was Hard Rock Hallelujah and it was really pretty good and they actually won. As compared to the other songs theirs was really the best as far as we could see. Obviously the 36 voting countries thought so too.

Tomorrow we are still in Nice and really have to get it together for the flights we still have to book. Its good to hear people are sharing the address around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello world travellers! I am living vicariously through you... as your trip sounds fabulous so far. All is well her, beautiful weather (great for biking outside). Tomorrow is my last teaching workshop, and then I get to relax for a few months,,yippeee! Doran and I found a new favorite restaurant to go back to when you two return. Met your neighbors, and they have been great a turning your sprinkler off after I turn it on for a while as your grass was getting a little brownish looking. Jamie and Tracy build thier deck this weekend, and are feeling relieved, as well as very proud as it looks great. (Jamie can hardly move however, but hopefully it's temporary).
Enjoy you next few weeks and keep safe.
