Sunday 21 May 2006


This morning we are in Cannes and have to again use the tenders to get off of the boat. As the Cannes Film Festival is on the go right now and we are not in the 'in crowd' we head straight out of town. The trip to Nice is about half an hour by car so we decide to go by taxi.

Our hotel has a good location between the old and the new city. We first take a walk through the outdoor market, which is quite big. One stall selling olives caught my attention by smell alone. I have never seen so many olives in my life! At first glance I thought they were cherries there were so many, but they really were olives. This market is also known for its flower sellers. The prices for flowers are much lower than those at home.

A few minutes later we are at the ocean. We walk along the main, busy street along the ocean where there are many hotles, cafes and shops. The ocean is beautiful - very blue with small crashing waves. There is a wide promenade for walkers, cyclists and in-line skaters. The beach is rocky. Anyone can use the public beach space, but much of the beach is private - to use the private space will cost about 30.00 for a sun bed, and towel. We probable won't use the beach - too much else to do and see.

We find a grocery store where we pick up a few essentials including bread, salami and cheese for our dinner tonight.

Our hotel turns out to be quite nice with the best pillows in the world!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I just had to read the past couple of days and catch up. Sounds like an amazing trips. Thought you'd like to know, Leese, that the IPP reviews, report cards, retreats and gr. 7 orientations are going so well...not really! Aren't you glad you're missing all the end-of-the-year excitement? Take care and have fun!

Tonya, Dave and clan

Anonymous said...

Hi Leese and Chris. Mel passed on this link to me so I've been checking in on your adventures. I just came back from NYC myself - went to museums, saw a couple of shows, lots of fun. I guess I should have maintained my "gooseberry" status after all these years. I could be travelling with you two right now! For free of course - gooseberries never pay their own way.
