Wednesday 24 May 2006

Nice part quatre

It was a cloudy day on the French Riveria. A small fortified village called Eze is where the day takes us. It's about a 20 minute bus ride there which is only 1.30€. There are steps up to the top of the fortification. Along the way are shops, cafes, 2 hotels (one of which was 900€ per night!) and a church. At the top was a giant cactus garden sprinkled throughout with sculptures. The garden was where the castle used to be. Too bad it was so overcast today the view from here was of the sea and Nice in the distance.

Another pizza for lunch and then some over due laundry.

In the evening we have a drink in a cafe in a square where a guy is busking on a piano - can't say we've ever seen that before. We also find a pub serving Strongbow!

Another first today was spotting a rat. I have seen mice before, we actually saw one in a restaurant in NY, but never a rat. This rat compared to the mice was like a lion compared to a house cat. It was HUGE with a langthy tail! Good thing it was running into an alley!

Another thing I have noticed here is the enormous merangues. Each bakery's seems bigger than the last. Not a big fan of these I have not tried one but might have to just so I can take a pic of one. Oh yeah, and what they say about coffee costing more than wine is still accurate - wine (table wine) 2.00€, coffee (capuccino) 4.00€.



Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are both having such a fun trip! I am enjoying a vicarious journey from reading your posts. Don't worry, you didn't miss much by being away for the final ATP play - it was pretty blah.

Anonymous said...

hi this is dad. i have finaly been able to read some of your text. sounds like you are having agreat time.every thing is great here except the oil is going to the stanley cup finals.rod and karen will be home in 6 days yahoo.