Thursday 25 May 2006

No kidding French women don't get fat...

especially ones who live in Nice. We have been walking everywhere and half of the time we are walking up hills. The problem is, is that by the time we are at the top of the hill we need a beverage. Obviously they don't have a glass of wine at every opportunity.

Today was another museum. It was the Matisse musuem. All of the museums here are pretty small. This is good with me. I could use an hour or 2 in a museum each day rather than the whole day extravaganzagas like in Paris or New York.

It was about time we found a used book store. I only brought one book from home so I was over due for an other one. I was able to get 3 trashy novels for next to nothing!

In the evening we have a great meal at an Italian place. Most restaurants offer a fixed menu which is what we had. I had ricotta ravoli which was pretty much butter soup - in a good way. The dessert was the star of the show. I had the hugest, most delicious chocolate mousse! We had one the other day that seemed to have blue cheese in it so I was skeptical, but this was amazing! I don't think French women could eat like this and not get fat.

We topped the night off by visiting both of Nice's casinos. From what we could see, pretty lame. All we could see though were machines as there was another area altogether for tables. Were weren't dressed for the tables so it was a short trip to the casino. Unfortunately, we were not big winners.

Tomorrow is our last day in Nice and the evening sees us flying to Bucharest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, if I could be dining on divine chocolate mousse instead of greasy hamburgers at the FCJ for the Grade 6 Retreat! SOunds like such a glorious time you are having. I have to visit each night and see what "we" did and what "we" ate today.

Have fun!

Tonya, Dave and clan