Monday 12 June 2006

Am I an 'H' or an 'S'???????

It's back to getting up early as we begin our last tour in Portugal. Breakfast in the hotel is very good and FINALLY there is Champagne at the buffet!

The city tour of Lisbon begins in the old part of the town where rents are around 10€ per month. Not typical of Lisbon but this area of the city is for those who can't afford to live elsewhere. Along the narrow, winding streets we come upon a fish market with more fish than I have ever seen in my entire life - pallet after pallet of ice covered fish. Grilled sardines are one of the most popular fish dishes here - we haven't tried them yet.

We have the tour bus driver drop us off at an area called The Docks where there are many restaurants and cafes most with TVs set up outside for the World Cup games. We eat lunch outside while watching the first half of the England/Paraguay match. For the second half we move on to an Irish pub full of England fans singing like crazy during halftime. On a trip to the WC one of the doors was marked with an H and the other was marked with an S. I really had no clue which door I should go through as I could think of words to go with either letter. In the end I think made the right choice and used the S.

After the game we walked to the downtown area of town looking for souvenirs and then back to the hotel. The walk from where we had lunch to the hotel is up hill and I will probably feel it tomorrow.

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