Monday 12 June 2006

On to the ship

It is about 300K from Lisbon to Porto where we will meet the ship. On the way there we stop for lunch of cabbage soup, BBQ chicken, salad, fries, ice cream, wine and coffee - tasty.

We are in the Portugese city of Coimbra where we visit their university. Here we visit a library (no longer really in use) with books starting from the 1600s. We are told the student population of the school is 200 000 - I find that extremely hard to believe.

Once we arrive to the boat (which is very nice BTW with a balcony off of our own room) we walk a bit through the town a bit before the welcome drink and dinner. There are a lot of people out with their Portugese shirts, flags etc ready for tonight's soccer game.

The welcome drink (Port of course) is accompanied by snacks such as bacon wrapped slices of bananas. These looked decievingly similar to bacon wrapped scallops or cheese. Imagine Chris' (and even mine for that matter) surprise to find a banana inside the bacon!

Since the Portugal game is still on after dinner, we head out to watch the second half. Although there is a fair amount of action and a HUGE screen resembling a drive-in theatre (without the cars), as soon as the game ends people clear out quite quickly. We sort of expected more all night partying but it is only the first game I suppose and they were only playing Angola.

Tomorrow is a sailing day which will be a welcome rest after the busy past week or so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So.....Lorianne got transferred today to St. Benedict!! Can you believe it? We will know tomorrow who our new principal is going to be but she thinks it is going to be a man. That would certainly be a change!
I'll keep you posted.