Thursday 8 June 2006

Madrid museum - 2 times

Everywhere we go in Madrid there seems to be police blocking or directing traffic, and today is no exception.

We make it to the Prado, Madrid's signature museum. It is quite busy with quite a few school groups. We thought this museum would be a lot bigger, but we did it in about 2 hours.

Madrid has the typical double decker tour bus giving city tours. We get on after the museum. It is a good day for the tour as it is overcast and cooler than yesterday. We get off at the Real Madrid football stadium and visit the gift shop.

The evening sees us strolling Madrid's streets sampling various tapas and people watching.

Some things I've noticed about Madrid...
-cigerette butts everywhere, especially in any grate on the sidewalks
-ambivalence toward toilet seats
-outside workers including police smoke, today we saw a window washer smoking a big, fat cigar
-attitude that red lights are a suggestion only
-pollution, I thought I was sick when we got here with what started as a sore throat, I think it is the pollution
-Starbucks has a bit of a presence here, we haven't seen it anywhere else in Europe. Although it looks like tourists only in there and it is never all that busy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
Thanks for the email Lisa, I sent a reply but have no idea if you can get it! Don't worry about school, already the plans have changed - no surprise. Enjoy the rest of the trip.