Thursday 8 June 2006

What do they have against toilet seats???

Madrid is home to many museums - 3 of which are major attractions. We have to choose which ones to see and which ones to save for next time. We decide on the Thyssen for today - thankfully it is not crowded.

In the evening we walk for quite a while taking in some new areas of the city. Kids and families are out playing until at least 11:00. I don't see how they can get up for work in the morning - I guess that's what the siesta is for.

We try for some tapas. Some bars have tapas you pay for and some have tapas that come with a drink. The place we decide on has a list hanging on the wall of about 10 tapas that you select from. Each one comes on a wedge of baguette we have tried cheese and tomato, ham and egg, smoked ham and beef. This place also has the best sangria I've tried yet.

We eventually stop for dinner and have a fantastic tomato salad. Nothing unusual but delicious! The cafe we are eating in is in a square with a ton of tables - I'd guess about a couple hundred. A dance troup (ala Backstreet Boys/New Kids On The Block) are busking. They are not bad but only have a routine for about half a song.

I always count on museums to have reasonable washroom facilities - today's disappointing. I'm not looking for palatial...just a seat and some paper. Apparently that's too much to ask!

By the is still stinking hot here - probably 30+ degrees. We occasionally see a temperature reading on a building or other digital advertising and those always say it is hotter than it feels. There's very little breeze but thankfully no humidity. We learned our lesson a few years ago in a hotel without AC - the one we are in now has more than we could ever want.


Anonymous said...

Hey kids. Sounds like a super trip! I read every day I just don't post as that would consist of "we go to work, we eat dinner, we sleep, we go to work....." and well that's about it...hehe. Today is Thursday and the weather has turned apparently for the whole weekend, nothing much more than about 10-11 degrees and rain. You must be in the last leg of your trip I'd imagine so enjoy and we'll see ya when you get home!! Tracy.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the trip is going great and I couldn't be happier for you not to mention slightly jealous. Everything is good at the house and your lawn looks great. By the way there is a replacement nerf at your home for future trips.