Wednesday 7 June 2006

Madrid's palace

What they say about Madrid not sleeping is definitely not hype. Throughout the night I was awoken to what sounded like metal garbage cans rolling down the street. Who knows what the sound really was, it certainly wasn't a problem I just rolled over and went back to sleep - Chris didn't even seem to hear it.

Once we woke up and got moving, we were entertained by a demonstration of some sort outside the window of our hotel. We have a couple a tiny balconies to watch the street life below. We have no idea what the demo is about - angry chanting in any language seems to sound the same.

Madrid's palace is the first stop of the day. We sprint across the palace's courtyard in 35 degree heat and arrive just in time for the English tour. Part of the tour includes an armoury which includes children's armor - I don't think children should need armor.

We have somewhat discovered tapas - although not entirely. Some places make a menu of them while others offer them 'gratis' with a drink. The evening find us then walking the tourist route of the city. We finally settle on a cafe on a boulevard for dinner.

Tomorrw is museum day.

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