Monday 19 June 2006

We're home - a recap's been a wonderful vacation!

We've travelled 47 days, been through 11 airports, slept in 6 hotels, sailed on 1 sailboat and 2 riverboats, used 6 currencies, visited 9 countries, sent 41 blog entries, received 27 blog comments (thanks everyone!), read 12 books, never sat in window or aisle (Lisa only), lost my lunch once (again Lisa) and have a million terrific memmories!

We can't wait to see you all again and share some photos - not the stories, you know all of those don't you?


Anonymous said...

WELCOME HOME! So glad you are back. Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it...again. Enjoy the rest of your time off together,

Tonya, Dave, Ben and Emma

Adam Scott said...

Welcome back.

Thanks for keeping us updated with the blog.

Get some sleep.