Thursday 17 July 2008

Croatia, Dubrovnik - July 16

After a leisurely breakfast (doesn't Chris look relaxed??) in the hotel we set out into the Croatian sun. Our goal is the other side of the city and Lapad Beach. This is an area that is a whole lot less busy as compared to the old town side. There is public beach here where a chair and umbrella can be rented for about 10.00 for the day. There are also carnival games and stalls selling snorkels and other various beach necessities. We find a quiet terrace on the water and have lunch. It is about 6k to Lapad and of course 6k back. After all that walking and sun, we are beat and retreat to the hotel for a while. Dubrovnik has some kind of tree everywhere with huge purple blossoms. We were in Lisbon a couple of years ago and saw trees with purple blossoms, but these are different - still just as beautiful.

Dinner is a late one in the old city again followed by ice cream and a walk home.Dubrovnik is definitely a tourist's paradise with everyone speaking English and interested in your business. It is also easily walkable. As far as we've been (other than a bit on our walk today) there is rarely a spot not occupied by tourism - different from other places we've visited like Athens.
Not tourism in a tacky, loud way - Dubrovnik is slow, and gentle to those of us who aren't familiar with the language or customs. I'm glad we came here on our own and not on a cruise. There is much more of the city to explore and enjoy than would be possible from a day docked on a cruise ship.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That tree is amazing! Croatia looks beautiful. Glad you are having some hot weather!