Wednesday 2 July 2008

Istanbul Day 2 - July 1

Today is Mosque Day. First is the Hagia Sophia. Today this is a museum, but was a church around in the 6th century and then a mosque and now a museum. It is still under restoration, which is uncovering paintings from the church days that were covered when it was converted into a mosque.

Next is the Blue Mosque. This is a functioning mosque. The place is huge, but it doesn't take much time to actually go through - maybe 15 minutes.

The palace here (Topkapi) is closed today, but we walk around the grounds. Although it is a very hot day the huge trees here cover the entire grounds with shade. These grounds overlook the water where we stop for a drink.

We try to find the spice market which is a VERY HOT, slightly less maze-like version minus the live chickens of the market we visited in Morocco. Just when I think we will never find our way out of this sweaty, crowded laberynth we're out. The temperature really led the way. Once we were out the heat dropped!

Lunch is a place not very touristy. We have what is like a pizza called a pide. We are served a giant pita bread along with a red peper spread and shreadded cheese like we would get bread at the start of a meal at home - delicious.

We make one last visit to the Grande Bizaar for a Turkish tea set. These are small glass cups with a tea pot and serving tray. We're a bit worried the glasses may break, but are reassured as the guy selling them stands on them!

Dinner is in square with a tonne of fish restaurants, muscians and people everywhere - great atmosphere. The appetizers come in small plates on a huge tray that you select off of. We choose octopus salad - very good.

I am loving all of the different foods here. Today for breakfast I had rose flake jelly. Not bad - kind of spicy.

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