Sunday 4 August 2013

Geiranger and Hellesylt, Norway – Aug 4

on the RIB - like my outfit?
Partly cloudy and 20 degrees – another glorious day in Norway.

We are anchored today and wake up a in a fjord – it’s not every day that I get to say that!
back on board, enjoying the view
Geiranger is a very small tourist village that we are able to stroll around easily before our tour. We have noticed A LOT of camping here in Norway, understandably so with such beautiful surroundings and this town is no different. People either have their own trailers (caravans) or tents or they use little cabins sprinkled throughout the fjords and mountain areas. We stroll through the camping area, up to a waterfall before meeting up for the tour.

can you see the face?
Our mode of transportation today is not a bus, but a R.I.B. (Rigid Inflatable Boat) Exploration tour. We have to put on wind-proof flotation jump-suits in preparation for this tour. The boats seat 16 and a guide. We speed through the Geirangerfjord stopping every so often to hear from the guide and take pictures. There are 3 major water falls in this fjord that are the main attractions. They are named the Suitor, the 7 Sisters and the Bridal Veil – we stop close enough to each of these to feel the spray. Each has a story that our guide shares with us. We also see some farms up on the mountains that seem impossible to access. We also see some goats that the farmer brings to the mountains from the city in the summer – these are definitely bigger goats than we saw wandering cities and eating garbage in Asia.

gorgeous landscape - can't help being reminded of home

more evidence of how much the Norwegians like camping
Our afternoon is spent lazily admiring the scenery of the fjords from the ship and we travel back to the North Sea. Apparently the sea will be in a similar pitchy condition to when we came here a few days ago with forecasted 10 feet swells.

we get very close


Melina Akins said...

Lisa, you have the greatest adventures. I had email pals with a school in Norway and thought it was great but now that i have read your posts and seen the pictures. I want to go too! Guy would love the pubs also. Enjoy!

Heather said...

Gorgeous country, we will have to add that to our list.