Tuesday 8 July 2008

Savastopol, Ukraine - July 7

Today’s tour includes a visit to Khan’s palace and a monastery. The 16th century palace is Islamic which makes it very interesting and different from what we are used to seeing – photos are of entrance to palace, inside room and outside wall.

Again, no one here speaks a lick of English other than our guide so although difficult, we are able to spend our Ukranian money. We decide on an embroirdered pillow cover. The woman speaks to us the entire time we are barganing in Russian while we speak English and with the help of a calculator as translator we strike a deal. Somehow we were negotiating for 2 covers – what a deal.

After the palace we visit a monastery built into the side of a cliff. This is Russian Orthadox so the women have to cover our heads. Very steep steps to climb but worth it – pic is of steps to monastery.

The rest of the day is at sea, sleeping, eating, swimming and going to a wine tasting.

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