Wednesday 9 July 2008

Sochi, Russia - July 8

Our tour today isn’t until the afternoon and we don’t dock until shortly before the tour starts, so it is a very lazy morning. Even if we were docked early visitors either need to be on a guided tour or need a visa to be alone in Russia. We lost an hour in a time change last night, and got a bit mixed up so we didn’t have much time before the tour anyway. This was actually nice as we’ve been up at 7 each day we’ve been on the ship for tours.

Sochi is a pretty cool, modern looking place and it’s too bad we can’t explore on our own. We are on what is called the Russian Riviera and as as we come into port we see tons of hotels, cafes and tourist friendly spots. It will be the site for the 2014 winter Olympics.

After a walking tour with guides wearing the highest heels possible we drive for about an hour to a tea plantation. This is the most northerly tea plantation (41 degrees north). This is a great tour – very interesting with beautiful lush mountainous vegetation. We see the tea plants, listen to a lecture on tea production and visit a tea house for tea, poppy seed bread and a forloric show. I always try to collect a bit of local money, but although we buy some tea they take USD and give change in USD, so no Rubles for me.

Ukraine seems to be unique in its choice of fashion and we are back to men looking less ‘prosperous’ and women not looking like they belong on a street corner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again I am enjoying living vicariously through your travels. Keep up the interesting posts!
