Monday 19 July 2010

Copenhagen, Denmark - July 18

We had technical difficulties connecting to the web last night at sea...will post later today.

A couple of notes about our hotel - First of all it was very nice. We got 2 nights for the price of one rate, so that is the one thing about Copenhagen that wasn’t expensive and it came with breakfast. The design was what I’d describe as Scandinavian, but not as chic as I had expected. I know the Danes don’t like clutter, but this was a bit over-kill. Out room didn’t have one drawer – not one. Not a bedside drawer, not a drawer for your skivvies, nothing. The only closing space was the toilet area and the safe. The bathroom had a tub with hand shower, but no curtain. I don’t know if they expect you not to ‘shower’ and just spray down sitting in the tub, but we showered the old-fashioned way. There was a bar to hold the hand shower high enough to shower standing up, so that’s what we did. The bathroom was a bit of a mess when we were done. And…the doors were glass. I hope no one occupying this room was shy as they had no privacy in the shower!

After a quick breakfast in the hotel we packed and were off to the ship. We figured leaving the bags at the ship even though our room wouldn’t be ready until later was better than leaving them at the hotel. Check in was pretty seamless other than watching my backpack which holds my lap top careen off an X-ray machine not once buy TWICE. I was a bit beside myself especially since we PREDICTED the second fall and watched as we were proven right! I thought they was no way I could go back to the old fashioned way of blogging with Chris’ blackberry, just NO WAY! In the end no harm was done (no obvious harm.)

Soon we were off for our last moments in Copenhagen visiting a museum and having another pizza at an outdoor cafe seeing the contemporary Little Mermaid and being again amazed by all of the bikes..

Our ship this year is very much similar to the ship we were on last year. It is the same cruise line, so we are familiar with the procedures it is only a bit bigger. It seems to have a bit more areas to mull around in. The room is exactly the same.

A block party it our first event (second if you consider the life-boat drill an event) where we meet our neighbours in the hall as the staff pour wine. The Captain and a few crew file around and we are off to the lounge for a cocktail as we watch ‘sail-away’.

Dinner is at a table of 8 where we finally have Danish cuisine. Chris and I both have sturgeon which we learn later is apparently somewhat endangered. I tried looking it up, but it seems to depend on the species whether it is endangered. The table of 8 let’s us meet a bunch of people which is nice, but since we are the first seated and wait for the rest we are able to see the look of horror befalling each of the other people’s faces as they realize they will be sitting with the youngsters! Being on cruises like these certainly makes us feel young – nice.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should have brought "aging" makeup.. lets get a few "demographic" shots of the cruise people.. preferably sans banana hammocks..