Saturday 31 July 2010

London, England – July 31

Well…what can I say??? I think we have somehow been transported to an alternate universe of high living. Not that we weren’t enjoying ourselves before, we certainly were, but seriously…this is crazy!

The hotel we are staying at is spectacular. As I said yesterday, this place is great and today is no exception. Breakfast is included in our room rate. Breakfast is always an issue for us as I have to get something in my belly in the morning and Chris wants nothing to do with food before noon. When we were on the ship this was easily solved with room service – problem solved here in the same way. I never want a whole lot of food, so what I ordered was called ‘High Breakfast’, like high tea which I discover when it arrives. It is delivered to the room beautifully presented on a tiered stand like tea sandwiches would be along with juice and coffee. When we checked in last night we were asked which paper we would like in the morning, yet none came today. When I called, they couldn’t apologize enough and got one to us almost before I hung up the phone – WOW is all I keep saying! They are charging me for internet though, so this place isn’t entirely paradise.

From the moment we got into the cab last night it was obvious what a busy place London is. The streets were completely thronging with people. I realize it was Friday night and a Wednesday afternoon might be a bit less teeming. I don’t remember London being this way the last time we were here although I probably was, but this is certainly how I remember New York. The sidewalks around outside of each pub were thick with people and their pints.

After we come to from the dizziness of the morning’s luxuries, we headed off into London. The streets again today were thronging with people. Just after we had walked a few minutes away from our hotel we found ourselves in Piccadilly Circus. There was a lot going on including a couple of characters from the show our concierge was looking into theatre tickets for us for which I had my pic taken with. The show is Pricilla Queen of the Desert. We ended up with great tickets to a great, fun show.

Next we walked for quite a bit to the Tate Museum of Modern Art. This museum is free as are most (maybe all) of London’s museums. After the museum we had a pint, changed at the hotel, had an Indian dinner and were at the show. After the show another pint and back to the hotel before midnight thanks to the 11:00 last call.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like London is a blast! As always I love the pictures:)
