Friday 30 July 2010

Stockholm, Sweden – July 30

I’m thrilled to report that the rain has stopped and today is quite lovely. There is quite a bit of wind, but I can’t complain as it takes a bit of the sun’s heat away.

Our flight isn’t until 6 tonight, so we check out of the hotel, leave our bags at the hotel and hit the town. I saw a bead for my bracelet the first day we were here that I want to go back for so we jog (I should say speed walk – WOW Chris likes to walk fast when he is on the way to someplace he doesn’t want to be) and get a bead of Thor’s hammer. When I asked the shop keeper to explain how that particular bead represents Stockholm he proceeded to tell me that Thor was a god…yeah, I know who Thor is for crying our loud, I just didn’t get what the bead actually was.

Anyway…we then slowed down, took the hop-on-hop-off boat across to another of Stockholm’s 14 islands to visit the Vasa museum. The Vasa museum is Stockholm’s most visited attraction which is very apparent when we arrive to find a very, very long line. The line moves quite fast and we are in within 10 minutes. The Vasa was a Swedish war ship that sank in 1682 after only sailing for 1300 meters due to a huge gust of wind. Seems crazy for a ship like that to sink from a gust of wind so close to shore.

The rest of the afternoon was spent at lunch, walking around, visiting the actual medieval museum and heading to London.

London…well all I have to say about our hotel is WOW. This hotel is spectacular. It wasn’t a bargain, so we are getting what we are paying for, but it is very nice. The service from the moment we stepped out of the cab was wonderful. Within 30 minutes of checking in, we were shown the hotel, told about breakfast (included), given our Champagne vouchers (part of the pkg we booked), taken to our room, delivered petit fours (“to celebrate your anniversary”), set up for complementary new paper for the morning and sent to dinner. The bellman asked us what we wanted to do for the rest of the night (it was about 10) and all we knew was that we needed to eat. He made reservations for us and we were on our way.

The place he sent us was like none other that we’ve ever experienced. It was like a bar (for the older crowd – made us feel a bit like the youngsters) and restaurant together. However…it wasn’t the typical bar/pick-up scene. I’m sure there was plenty of picking up going on, but it was more music that we knew – for the older crowd (that we certainly belonged to) who sung almost all of the songs. There was Michael Jackson, Neil Diamond, Elvis, Frank Sinatra just to name a few that many, many were belting out like crazy. It was a very fun place!

And the hotel…what can I say…probably the best hotel we have ever, ever stayed in. I haven’t yet tested the bed, but everything else so far as exceeded our expectations. Not easy to do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHA - that little note cracked me up!