Friday 8 April 2011

Bangkok Day 3 - April 8

rose apples
Today was a day for laziness. Jet lag is still taking the form of early to bed, early to rise which is just fine with us. Today and yesterday we were up around 6! However today as we had no where to be we didn’t actually make it to the hotel’s included breakfast until about 9:30. The rest of the day was spent at the pool. The Shangri La pool is right on the Chao Phraya River which is an interesting place to watch the world go by. The Chao Phraya River has got to be one of the world’s busiest rivers. Water taxis, buses, hotel taxis, long boats and transport boats just scratch the surface of the boats on this river. All day long they are up and down the river. There is also the river’s wildlife…this pretty much consists of fish and birds, but there are actually fresh water crocodiles! Yesterday we saw a huge one on the shore while we were in a boat thankfully, but today we saw something that could have been a small crocodile, but was definitely some type of lizard right at the pool – about 2 feet long! Unfortunately (or fortunately) it didn’t stick around long enough for me to get a photo of it. 
tea sandwiches

dragon fruit

Lunch for us was afternoon tea of small sandwiches at the pool – still no sweets for me. This now brings me to the food here in Bangkok…I have definitely never been anywhere with such a wide variety of new and exciting food. I have heard of most of the fruit, but haven’t tasted it. Dragon fruit – good, I’d have it again…sweet, kind of dry, extremely cool appearance. Lamut – probably wouldn’t have it again, odd, texture like a pear, kind of tastes like a pear, weirdly brown flesh, looks like a potato. Rose Apples - very good, texture like an apple, smells like a rose, tastes a bit like an apple, but also like a vegetable, would definitely have again.  Everyday there is new fruit in the fruit bowl in our room.  We also get cut up fruit in the fridge in our room - today is mango - d-lish!!  Then there is the food at the markets. Here is where there are basically no fruits I have ever seen before and a TON of fish – mostly dried. A feast for the eyes rather than the stomach – we didn’t eat anything at the market.


Anonymous said...

I love being able to travel along with you every day. You do an excellent job. Pictures are great.

Anonymous said...

The Dragon fruit looks just like the Tomatoes Joyce grows at home.