Friday 6 May 2011

Muscat, Oman - May 5

waiting for the BEST TOUR EVER
Omani Yachts
From the first glimpse we got of the Monarchy of Muscat, Oman the landscape was interesting.  While still desolate like our last 2 ports, the coastline plunges right into the sea.

I don’t think anything EVER will top today’s tour in Muscat, Oman as the BEST TOUR EVER! We boarded a motor boat with the captain, a guide and 8 other passengers to look for dolphins in the Sea of Oman. It was made very clear to us that although we were likely to see some dolphins they of course aren’t ‘guaranteed.’

landmark 'Frankensence burner'
Well…we saw so many spinner dolphins we couldn’t count them. It was truly UNBELIEVABLE! They were all around the boat, jumping and some of them spinning in the air. We made our way slowly through water as the spinners came and went for about an hour. I tried to get some photos of them, but dolphins are much faster than my camera. I took a bit of video that seems to capture them better, but I think the best place for them will have to be in my mind. We had to leave before the dolphins did as we had some snorkelling to do.

more dolphins
The captain took us to a bit of a beach area and anchored the boat. Even with the breeze from the speed of the boat we were still very hot and getting into the water was welcome although the water was warm. We were able see coral, multi coloured fish, sea cucumbers, sea turtles and a bunch of other unidentifiable creatures. After snorkelling for about an hour we had to move on to see a bit of the Omani coastline.

Omani landscape
The landscape of Oman as it was in Dubai and Fujairah is desolate and barren. The exception in Oman is that it seems a bit more rugged and mountainous and somehow the desolation is quite beautiful. Our captain was great. He gave us a bit of a thrill ride and takes us through holes in the rock where the mountains and the sea meet.

Oman's palace

1 comment:

stacey Jorgensen said...

I agree, I don't think I could ever get tired of watching dolphins in their natural environment The dolpins and whales on our kayak trip was also a highlight! Amazing creatures!