Sunday 8 May 2011

Salalah, Oman - May 7

forgot to include this yesterday
Today we are still in Oman, but now we are in Salalah. There has been a lot made by the ship’s team responsible for coordinating the land tours about how to dress on land. This morning was the most stringent. When we booked the tour we were initially told that shorts and skirts were fine as long as they were not skimpy – no problem…Chris and I left our ‘skimpy’ at home. However this all changed when we convened for the tour. At that point we were told that we needed long sleeves and long pants. Well I don’t have long pants so I did my best with my longest pants and brought a jacket. Chris put pants and a long sleeve shirt on. Normally this wouldn’t be such a big deal, but it was a bit hot at 35 degrees! Chris even broke a sweat. Anyway…we changed and were on the road. In the end it didn’t matter AT ALL! There were people on the tour with shorts and that was no problem. We were also told women would have to cover their heads and this was not required either - much ado about nothing.
blow hole (in the cliff)
rugged landscape

All was forgotten as I spotted the first camel. Camels in Oman are all domesticated, but they roam freely and head home at night. We eventually saw quite a few, some who we had to wait for as they walked down the middle of the road.

Our first stop this morning is at Mughsail Beach. This beach is about 2 miles of white sand with cliffs at both ends. When we visited, there were no other people in sight. It’s funny that for cultures so close to the sea, no one swims. The main attraction of this beach is blow holes. When the tide is high there are holes in the cliffs where the ocean blows through. This is quite impressive, especially with the sound the rushing water makes as it hits the cliffs.

Job's tomb
We next visit Job's Tomb. This is where (according to legend) the remains of the Old Testament prophet Job can be found. This was disappointing and quite underwhelming as can be seen from the photo. The drive was picturesque and interesting, but it took about an hour to get to for not so much. The tour ended with time at the local souq. One of Oman’s main products is frankincense. This and perfume was pretty much all to be found at the souk market. I came away with a box of frankincense.

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