Monday 6 August 2012

Vancouver Island, BC - Aug 5

Heather and Bryan's house
Getting up at 5AM usually isn't anything I do without an alarm, but not today - wide awake before the sun was up after about 4 hours of sleep.  I feel fine until about mid afternoon when I am pooped!

We are spending the next 2 days with our friends Heather and Bryan at their new house on Vancouver Island - about 1 hr 15 min north of Victoria.  We spend a leisurely morning watching Olympics (our first real Olympics watching time),lounging on the deck admiring the fantastic view and eating breakfast.  By 11:15 we are on the water.
seal island
We cruise around the islands between Vancouver Island and the mainland.  One of our stops takes us to Seal Island(named for obvious reasons), to Tent Island (also for obvious reasons, although not pictured) for some swimming, to Montague Bay for lunch, Cowichan Bay for groceries and  boating  along with Heather’s son and his wife.  It was a wonderful afternoon in the sun.  I even took a bit of a nap in the boat’s sleeping area.  I know this part has a name, but for the life of me can’t remember. It’s basically the nose of the boat.
We spend the evening eating a wonderful dinner prepared by Heather’s son and his wife, drinking wine and playing pool (when was the last time I did that??)  It was a delightful day!!

post boat nap

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks again Lisa for the great details and sharing the experience.... We look forward to each trip ......

Dave and Jean